Sunday, January 17, 2010

we will make justice, we the ppl will take our money from the banks our selfs.

we need justice, a while ago i came up with this idea to get enough ppl together to create a boycott banks one by one to get then to eliminate overdraft fees. the idea is to create a run on each individual bank without creating a mass panic. so my plan was to start with citi bank then step by step move to wellsfargo witch is the most hated by those who has ever been charged overdraft fees. if anyone asks why citi? well citi is the weakest link at the moment, their shares are around $3 and they seem to be having a lot of pr problems.
this is how its suppose to work, everyone will ask everyone who has a citi bank accnt to take their money out just live the minimum amount and transfer the rest to a different bank. citi will be forced to raise capital (increase the amount of cash on hand) because according to the law every bank is required to have a set percentage of the total deposits.

for those ppl that think that ppl deserve to pay those fees because they agreed to the terms, i just simply say " if there is anyone that deserves to pay overdraft fees, then most banks should be shut down rit now".
when the banks gambled with our money and lost it, they get bailed out; when a person that is laid off because of the banks fault overdrafts, then they get punished by the very banks that put them in that situation in the first place. it just pisses me off when someone thinks that anyone deserves to pay overdraft fees especially in this kinds of times, because it could have easily have been them that is laid off and be put into this situation.